
  • Jimmy Prasetya
  • Nisa Zakiati Umami
  • Opep Cahya Nugraha



: astigmatism, , early childhood, , eye health


This study focuses on how the eye conditions of children suffering from astigmatime are in the Pasirjaya housing complex. The purpose of this research is to provide education about the importance of maintaining eye health. To provide an understanding of astigmatism. To provide knowledge on how to treat astigmatism so that it can be overcome. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method (by developing why atigmatism in children can occur and the factors that can cause astigmatism in children). This study resulted in the findings that patients know about Astigmatism in children as much as 61.7%. It was found that they had astigmatism, while the others had other refractive errors. This was due to the prolonged use of gadgets in carrying out online activities or also known as online. while those who understand the dangers of astigmatism are left at 60.7% so they do protection with astigmatism correction lenses. So that parents especially have to be introspective in seeing the development of children during this pandemic season by monitoring the use of laptops or gadgets in their daily processes by instilling the 20/20/20 theory


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How to Cite

Prasetya, J., RIZKI ABDILLAH, B., Umami, N. Z., & Nugraha, O. C. (2023). GAMBARAN BESAR KELAINAN REFRAKSI ASTIGMATISME PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI PASIR JAYA TAHUN 2022. Jurnal Mata Optik, 4(3), 23–31.

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